
The HAT lab is the Human-Agent Teaming lab in Soesterberg

In the Human-Agent-Teaming lab TNO employees, students, and interns collaborate on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. As a second function the lab also serves as a permanent demonstration space showcasing a selection of the best AI applications developed by TNO. It is a bustling place where people can be immersed in an unique experience of innovative AI applications. The open lab environment provides a suitable space for collaboration in multidisciplinary teams, such as in the form of Scrum sessions. In addition, a broad range of technology (software and hardware) is available for experimentation in the form of rapid prototyping.


TNO aspires to be an international frontrunner in the field of AI. The HATlab serves as facilitaror, accelerator, and demonstrator of the state-of-the-art within TNO on AI. With the HATlab as a centerpoint of knowledge, skill, software and demonstrators, the HATlab becomes a place where project-exceeding knowledge is developed, shared and integrated. In the lab, ideas from previous and related projects are shared and brought together, as to inspire new ideas that can also be implemented in working demonstrators. Because the lab also functions as a scrum room, the lab becomes a lively interactive space of activity and creativity.


The HATlab is equipped with a suite of hardware crucial to AI applications, such as robots (Pepper), an extensive number of sizable information displays, smartphones and tablets, camera's, etc. The APPL.AI OS currently in development connects the hardware within the HATlab, and makes it easy to find demonstrators on the APPL.AI website, start them, and display them immediatly in the HATlab on any of the screens. As such, making any TNO-er able showcase what the Appl.AI program has to offer in the field of AI to internal or external interested parties. In addition, the HATlab is physically and conceptually closely linked with the Immersive Collaboration Lab (ICL), which provides a large space for multi-user augmented reality and virtual reality demonstrators.

Point of contact

Interested in visiting the HATlab and experiencing Appl.AI? Contact one of us: