
With AI becoming more prolific in society, the need for human-machine teaming (i.e. the cooperation between humans and machines) becomes more and more important. Research in the field of human-machine teaming focuses on how to develop, deploy, and use technologies to better support the communication, cooperation, and interaction between machines and people.

Decision-support systems

One form in which human-machine teaming may be implemented is through the use of decision-support systems. Decision-support systems aid experts in their decision-making process. Sometimes, this can mean offering specific ways of visualising data to give more comprehensive overviews of existing information. Other times, this can mean combining data from various sources or over various time frames to make comparisons with current situations easier. Overall, decision-support systems exist to make decision-making easier for experts in the current digital age.

What does TNO offer on human-machine teaming?

TNO has its own human-machine teaming (HMT) department, which is dedicated to improving the interaction between people and technological systems. The department has three focus areas: Human-AI-Robot-Teaming, Human Interaction, and Control and Organisation. The first area focuses on the design, development, and use of AI technologies and robotics within teams that consist of both humans and AI. The second area focuses on the interaction between humans and technology, and how to design the interactions to promote intuitive and easy use of AI technologies. The last area focuses on the larger socio-technical system. When AI technologies are implemented in existing infrastructures, these infrastructures will often have to adjust to the new technologies. Control and organisations aims to ease the (future) implementation of AI in existing infrastructures.